i cant remember the past have i always been likethis
why doesnt anyone come in why does nobody sit
armchairs facing the walls / no pictures on the nails
everythings in amess nothing is reallyfinished
theycame to set up the stove but never started it
since they did install it theyhad good intentions
but why havent they shown up did i make them angry
spaces between the books oh theyre so scary
the typewriter is uncovered so somebody mustve used it
so i wasnt always alone doesnt thetypewriter prove it
butwhat goodis proof who is here tolisten
no i wasnt always messy how did i get likethis
are they rejectingme because i dont obey them
ah yes they rejectme because i dont obeythem
look at the livingroom how well theyve furnished it
has anyone ever questioned the value ofthe kitchen
they call the shitplace bathroom n often pay a visit
maybe this isnt a stove / maybe i just think it is
maybe the chairs arent chairs maybetheyre sculptures
maybe theyre all works of art including the socalled people
who said i was a room / maybe im not / maybe
maybe they just brainwashed me for some strange reason
maybe i wouldve believed whatever was intheir program
maybe i am maybe / i am maybe itself
theycouldnt havecalledme maybe /that wouldvebeen too definite
who determined al this / maybe i did / maybe
yes i determined all this
I prepared all this without being aware
hadnt all that tidiness always bothered me
did the process of getting messy ever escape my attention
why didnt i say anything pretending not to see
cause i wouldve hadto oppose the mess inorderto fit my image
i planned all this in secrecy from me
iplanned allthis insecrecy fromme